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Shellfish Committee Meeting Minutes - 02/06/08

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Town Hall Meeting Room
21 Sea Street
Northeast Harbor

I.      Call to order 4:00
Chairman Tom Falt called the meeting order at 4:05 p.m.  Also present were committee members Jock Crothers, Steve Hamor Sr., Harvey Heel, Earl Moore, Robert Taylor, and Barry Thomas; Steve Hamor, Jr. and Ben Hamor; and DMR Water Quality Specialist John Fendl.

II.     A.      Re-seeding, discussion with Biologist Hannah Annis.
        Hannah was unable to attend; we will re-schedule.

        B.      Gilpatrick Cove closure
        DMR Water Quality Specialist John Fendl was present.  A lengthy and lively discussion followed regarding Gilpatrick Cove.  Mr. Fendl provided a log of the testing done and results that led to the closure.  The date range of testing was from August 2007 through January 30, 2008.  The problem area appears to be near two storm drain culverts (3 ft, cement).  Since remains of toilet paper were found and there was a strong septic smell, it would seem the problem is from a straight pipe from a residence.  Mr. Fendl's jurisdiction stops at the high-tide mark.  Above that would be the Town's responsibility.  Mr. Fendl reported he has talked with Jon Merchant, Chief Operator of the Waste Water Treatment Plants, and Kim Keene, Code Enforcement Officer.  Mr. Fendl referred to certain
State plumbing codes that might apply and suggested there could be local codes as well.  Harvey Heel wondered if a caretaker or maintenance people might have used the facilities in a "summer" home.  There was a discussion of where drains are and when they were last updated, but no one was certain of the details.  Mr. Taylor offered to speak with the Town Manager regarding this issue.

        C.      New flat openings
        Mr. Taylor inquired about opening new areas, such as in front of Shell Heap at Shattuck's Cove, for short periods of time .  Mr. Fendl thought Shattuck's Cove could very likely qualify for opening in March.  He needs to do a marina calculation and walk the shoreline (all homes along that area are private septic systems).  He also noted it appears Acadia National Park owns a very small piece of property along that shore, but he does not see that as a problem.  He also suggested that the head of the [Northeast] Harbor would not be out of the question to open.

        Mr. Taylor recommended closing the area from Garry Moore's to Duprees' dock for the purpose of re-seeding.  It was noted that type of closing would not be by Mr. Fendl, but by the Board of Selectmen at the recommendation of this Committee.  The topic of re-seeding will be pursued with Hannah Annis.

        Mr. Fendl reviewed the new format of the legal notices for closing/opening flats due to contamination, etc.  Additions are underlined and deletions are shown as strikethrough (the same as our Town Meeting Warrant).

III.    Membership
        A.      Potential members Steve Hamor, Jr. and Ben Hamor were present.  Ben has submitted his Request of Appointment form and Steve has his to complete.

        There was a brief discussion of allowing residents over the age of 70 to dig free, and to allow them to dig commercially.  They could be a deterrent to offenders.

IV.     New Business
        Chairman Falt reported on the Shellfish Collaboration Project meeting he and Mr. Moore attended last month in Sullivan.  Topics included Municipal Shellfish Management, Shellfish Conservation, Regional Based Shellfish Management, and Results of Shellfish Committee Survey.  Members from Downeast Resource Conservation & Development Council and Maine Clammers Association were present.  The MCA has over 200 clam diggers and promote themselves as stewards of the waterfront.  They are changing the image of the local clammer, administering testing, and are active with the Legislature in Augusta.  Mr. Falt said they are setting a good example and he sees our own Committee doing similar work as good stewards of the waterfront by keeping an eye on environmental issues.  Mr. Taylor would like to see a rotation of opening and closing of flats.  Mr. Falt noted pollution control is an important issue and it grabs the interest of all (summer and winter residents).  A brief discussion followed about pollution from boats in the harbors.

        The DRCDC is funding research and development in their area and would welcome other Town committees becoming involved; they offer their help.

Committee members heartily thanked Mr. Fendl for attending and the

Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.